Siamese Algae Eater (Algae Eater)
In 2005, I had a MAJOR problem in my tank with Hair Algae. Being that I didn’t want to use chemicals in my tank, the only thing I could do was try and lower the nitrate levels in my tank. I began using deionized water, but the results were slow and not as good as I expected. Finally the guys over at the fish store (New World Aquarium in New York City) told me they had a fish in called Siamese Algae Eater. They look JUST like the algae eaters sold in the pet stores all the time, but they are different. For the longest time, I could not tell them apart, so I’m posting this to help those of you looking for these fish.
False Siamese Algae Eater
![False Siamese Algae Eater](
False Siamese Algae Eater
True Siamese Algae Eater (SAE)
![Siamese Algae Eater](
Siamese Algae Eater
Now, here is how to tell them apart. As you can see below, (and above) the False Siamese Algae Eater has a CLEAR tail in the center. The Siamese Algae Eater has it’s black stripe continue all the way past it’s body and to the tip of it’s tail. This is the only definitive way I know of t tell the difference. When they are young, it’s a bit harder to see the difference. I hope this helps everyone out! If you have a hair algae problem in your tank, the SAE is one of the few fish that will make fast work of getting rid of it. (Flying Fox do a good job as well.) They are a fantastic addition to any freshwater community tank!
If you are looking for a great army of algae eaters get a few Siamese Algae Eaters, a few octo cats, and a bunch of Amano Shrimp. The combination will do a wonderful job cleaning up your tank!
False Siamese Algae Eater
![False Siamese Algae Eater](
False Siamese Algae Eater
Siamese Algae Eater
![True Siamese Algae Eater](
True Siamese Algae Eater
Updated Pic – 01/15/06
Updated Photo-10/16/05
My Bolivian Ram (He was my favorite fish. He passes away on 5/5/05)
![Bolivian Ram](
Bolivian Ram
Wide view of Left Side
Cory Cats (They LOVE resting on the sponge filter-I keep it there so it’s ready for my nurse tank when I need it)
Ghost Cat
Golden Algae Eater
Keyhole Cichlid (They have great personalities, but are very shy)
School of Neon Tetras and the belly of my Octo
Side view of Octo on glass.
Octo taking care of my plants.
Left side of tank (I don’t have CO2 or a good substrate yet)
My Bolivian Ram Again. He loved to come to the glass and look at the camera.
One of the four new Siamese Algae Eaters I got to help with my hair algae.